Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Carmel Marathon Training - Week 7 02/13/12 - 02/19/12

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday AM - 13.1 miles
Wednesday PM - 6.68 miles (trail)
Thursday - 8.28 miles (Speed work - 800m repeats)
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 8.02 miles (6 @ tempo)
Sunday - 4.0 miles

Weekly Total - 40.08 miles

The downside of updating this blog on a regular basis is that I'm running out of things to say. I can tell you that I don't think I could ask for anymore in regards to how my training is going.  I'm still 9 weeks out from Carmel & anything can happen but I'm feeling very confident in my chances for a sub 3 hour marathon.  I'm really looking forward to my half marathon at the end of March since I feel like that will give me a pretty good idea of where I'm at.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Carmel Marathon Training - Week 6 02/06/12 - 02/12/12

Monday - 6.02 miles (tempo)
Tuesday - 10.07 miles (speed work - mile repeats w/warm up & cool down)
Wednesday - 6.38 miles (trail)
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 20.23 miles
Sunday - Rest

So I'm six weeks in to the FIRST training plan & I haven't done a cross training workout yet.  I'm getting in almost all of my key running workouts but I just can't find the motivation to spin in the garage when I can go out and get in an extra run.  I don't think it's hurting my training.  Since starting the program, I'm down over 15lbs and I'm getting faster.  Doing 6x1600m repeats, all at 6:11 or faster, is something I haven't been able to do in years. Discipline has definitely been the key to the results that I'm seeing. While I'm flexible on what days I run which workouts, I know at the end of the week, I'll have completed all of them (except the cross training).  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Carmel Marathon Training - Week 5 01/30/12 - 02/05/12

Monday - 3.28 miles
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 5.41 miles (trail)
Thursday - 8 miles (speed work-3 mile warm up, 4x200m, 3200m, 800m, 2 mile cool down)
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 18 miles
Sunday - Rest

Weekly Total - 34.69 miles

Saturday's long run was the highlight of my week.  Left the house at 5:40am and stepped out into wind, rain and 38*F temps.  Almost went back inside to change into some running tights but I have a stubborn habit of wearing shorts if the temperature is above freezing. Mapped out a new course to break up the monotony of the Monon Trail but still utilized it for around half of the run. I didn't realize when I planned it out that I'd have a steady incline of 1.5 miles heading straight into the wind & rain. I had to take my ear buds out and tuck them into my shorts since the wind kept blowing them out. After going the first 8 mile of of the run without seeing another runner, I was surprised at the number of people I saw after turning on to the rail-to-trail. With the weather conditions being what they were & with the early start, I thought I'd have the Monon to myself but there was at least another dozen & a half runners out braving the elements.